Friday, January 2, 2015

Cooking extravaganza

It is almost midnight. I am covered in flour, bacon grease and spice. And Before he went to bed (three hours ago), Caleb told his father to "look at mommy. She has funny hair." Exact. Quote. From a two year old. And I did have funny hair. And now it's even funnier. So is my kitchen. And the sink. That's because I had another cooking extravanganza tonight. I use the extravanganza word to make this sound exciting. Like a party. Because when I start, it is. Pandora is on. Husband and son are helping me prepare foods. And I'm dreaming about how delicious everything will be. And more so, how when all this is over, I won't have to cook for two weeks. And things like the cheese sauce getting under the burner or cut up veggies all over the floor just won't happen because everything is already cooked. Or frozen.

But then it's 5 hours later and I want to be showered and asleep.

That's when husband comes in and tells me to quit it. He will clean up. I need to sleep. Without him, I'd be even crazier. 

But here I am about to hop into my longed for shower writing this because  I think this time, these meals will actually be good. And I have to share the recipes. Before I never want to look at them again. (Well ok eventually). 

Of course, I can't take credit for any of them- they were all found by me on good ole Pinterest (how did we cook before its existence?) and thank you excellent cooks for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us! 

Side note- after collecting my recipes and going to the store, I found they called for 24 oz of bacon. I seldom have all my recipes together like this so I am hoping I don't normally eat this much bacon and not realize it?

Here ya go:

Bread with roasted garlic bacon dip- our Football party snack (for our first party, a ravens playoff watching party this Saturday):

Slow cooker chicken tortilla soup- this one will get frozen;

Salmon BLT salad: we added avocado to this and had it tonight- yum! 

Fried rice:

Mexican seven layer dip;

And of course... - ham! My first ham and we bought one already smoked. And I had no idea what I was doing. When the normal recipe sites were over my head I turned guessed it...ehow. Don't hate:

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