Happy Friday! This seems to be the only day I blog. Oh well, here's the quick takes on the rest of our week:
My one-year-old just may be an artist.
He can hold a marker the right way and draw.
Not sure if this is normal for a 1-year-old, but I have to say, I was impressed. Maybe it's because his mom is an artist : )
He also went to daycare today with orange and yellow marker all over his legs because we made this picture after bath time last night.
Birthday parties for little kids (or maybe just your own kids) are so much fun.
We've had 3 celebrations for Caleb in the past week. More photos coming soon. It was a great chance to see relatives we only see on the holidays. And everyone got to shower Caleb with their love. And he was on pretty good behavior. And I made this cake 3 times:
I love funfetti for kid's birthdays, but this one ended up being more like a cookie cake...which for me, was even better. (Cookies > Cake)
The recipe I used is from a site called Sally's Baking Addiction, so clearly it's fantastic.
Antique roadshow
James' grandma came to Caleb's party and gave us several pieces of vintage-wear. Since we are true hipstas, we were down.
Among the awesome things were Natty Bo glasses and Natty Bo coasters. (Natty Bo is the Baltimore beer that was once brewed in the building where Caleb is in daycare) .
Also included were these glasses from some company called "Valley Forge Beer" and buttons for what appears to be a 1979 mayoral race and wine. I never knew wine buttons were once a thing.
I'm hoping these are worth lots of money on Ebay or Etsy. Takers?
We have 20 pounds of apples
...from apple picking last Saturday. The price went down if you bought enough! Wholesale produce! Guess who's having a peeling party this weekend and making some applesauce? Any other tried-and-trued suggestions welcome!
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Funny things on the internet make life tolerable, like the "when-you-work-at-a-non-profit" Tumblr (especially when you actually work at a nonprofit.)
Funny things on the internet make life tolerable, like the "when-you-work-at-a-non-profit" Tumblr (especially when you actually work at a nonprofit.)

it's because I worked 3 days last week, and now I'm working five and
around 1pm each day I look up from my computer screen and realize I
haven't eaten anything or gone to the bathroom since I woke up that
morning. (How's that for "work is flow", for those of you who attended Mount St. Mary's University with me and read that lovely piece by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- I totally copied and pasted that word from Wikipedia.) But this
little website really gets a laugh-out-loud moment from me once in a
Fall is here!
though it was 88 degrees in Baltimore this week. I got to go to my
first pick-your-own pumpkin patch this weekend, which was so much fun!
We were in the field for a long time picking out "the perfect one!"
Caleb loved the orange colors.
Happy weekend! Thanks for stopping in!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!